The Hundegger delivery package
The Hundegger delivery package covers all services including the commissioning of your new machine. All the logistics correspond to the processes defined during planning and we make sure that all external partners are also integrated on schedule. After installation, the project is analysed with your team and all results are recorded in a report.
During production, your employees have already received training in job preparation and machine operation and now, as new Hundegger experts, they are involved in the commissioning process with our specialists.
Our production support is, from the very beginning, one of the central elements to ensure your productivity goals are met. Our specialists go over training content again directly during commissioning, if desired also with your job preparation team.
And our promise stands: We stay until your employees are all set to go

- Komplettservice inklusive Logistik, Montage und Inbetriebnahme
- Ergänzende Schulung direkt an der Maschine
- Auf Wunsch auch Einbindung Ihrer Arbeitsvorbereitung
- Wir bleiben so lange, bis Ihre Mitarbeiter fit sind
How to contact us:
Phone: +613 9763 5766
Fax: +614 (0) 439 554 441
E-mail: enquiries(at)