The Hundegger training package
Achieving the best for our customers drives us every day and allows us to constantly optimize processes. Why provide train only after the machine has been produced? Wouldn't it be better if both things happened at the same time? This is exactly why we schedule employee training in parallel with the production of your machine in our factory.
In our training centre in Hawangen, we are able to provide your employees with theoretical and practical training perfectly adapted to your machine. Current machines from each series are available for this purpose, in order to convey knowledge in a concrete and practical way. For this purpose, our training focuses separately on job preparers and machine operators. One key topic is the CAMBIUM software developed in-house, which provides a unique, common platform for all our machines and systems.
All training courses can of course be held in your language and in special cases can also be held at your company.

- Schulungen in Theorie und Praxis direkt auf Ihrem Maschinentyp
- Durchführung parallel bereits während der Produktion Ihrer Maschine
- Dadurch bereits geschulte Mitarbeiter bei Installation der Maschine
- Schulungsangebote in Ihrer Landessprache
How to contact us:
Phone: +613 9763 5766
Fax: +614 (0) 439 554 441
E-mail: enquiries(at)