
Supplier identification of the of the company Hans Hundegger AG in accordance with the German Teleservices Act (DDG).

Company:  Hans Hundegger AG
Street / House number: Kemptener Straße 1
Country / Postal code / Place: D-87749 Hawangen
Telephone: +49 8332 - 9233 0 
Fax: +49 8332 - 9233 9900
Chair of the board: Hans Hundegger 
Deputy Chair of the board: Josef Hundegger

Chief Officer

Chair of the Supervisory Board:       

Place of business of the company:

Responsible register court:


Rainer Auerbacher

Martin Werner

87749 Hawangen

Local court Memmingen, HRB 16193

VAT Reg. No.: DE 129054 793 
Responsible for content according to §5 DDG  


Responsible for content according to §18 Abs.2 MStV.

Dietmar Widmann, Hans Hundegger AG, Kemptener Str. 1, D-87749 Hawangen


Notice of liability: has been carefully checked by us for its correctness. However, as a result of innovations new technical changes are taking place all the time.

Despite careful content check, we cannot be liable for contents of external links. Hans Hundegger AG does not endorse the contents. The operators of the pages, to which we have merely provided links on our pages, are exclusively responsible for their content.